Looking for Swine Flu/H1N1 information?

There is a large amount of online Swine Flu information being updated constantly.

General information is available on MedlinePlus, at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/swineflu.html.   The topic will be live on the Spanish page by the end of the day.

CDC information resources that are frequently updated with Swine Flu outbreak and mitigation developments:

http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/ This site is kept updated with recent facts and status on Swine Flu. There is a link on the page to the facts and figures about the current investigation.

A transcript of the April 24 press briefing about the Swine Flu situation is located at: http://www.cdc.gov/media/transcripts/2009/t090424.htm?s_cid=tw_epr_53

Latest CDC Health Advisory: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/pdf/HAN_042509.pdf

Update 5/1/09: CDC Health Advisory translated into Arabic, Burmese, Kirundi, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese: http://www.rhin.org/document_properties.aspx?id=6256

World Health Organization (WHO) information updates: http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/en/index.html

From NYC Health Dept: steps required to confirm suspected cases of swine flu: http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/pr2009/pr015-09.shtml

American Public Health Association (APHA) has a preparedness site, featuring fact sheets and more on pandemic flu: http://www.getreadyforflu.org/preparedness/influenza_main.htm

Updated 5/1/09: Free access to the CABI Global Health database, and a CABI-developed “Swine Flu Dashboard” at Netvibes.

A map of suspected and confirmed cases, via Google Mapshttp://twurl.nl/3d5vbf

Interested in keeping up via Twitter?  CDC has a Twitter feed that contains updates on the Swine Flu:  http://twitter.com/cdcemergency

You can also add the following RSS feed on Swine Flu to your feed reader to get regular updates from CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/rss/?s_cid=tw_epr_54

Update 5/4/09: New UW-Madison Libraries Research Guide:  Swine Flu/H1N1 Novel Influenza

You can contact Erika Sevetson for more information.