Changes to Library Express

Effective July 20 there were some minor changes to the Library Express service.  In an attempt to contain costs, the campus libraries have centralized Library Express.  All requests will go to Memorial Library for processing.

While much of the change is behind the scenes and has little effect on you, there are a couple of differences.

  • The request form has a different look
  • You will need to log into your Library Express account using your 11-digit UW ID number to view the pdf .  This is the same number you used to place the request.

If you are not sure what your UW ID number is, please feel free to contact the service desk at Ebling Library for assistance (608-262-2020).

We are confident that you will continue to receive articles very quickly and you should notice very little change in the way you request articles or other library items. If you have any concerns or problems, please feel free to contact Rhonda Sager directly via email or phone.