Final Weeks for “Bump…”

The “Bump on a Line” show will be extended through Tuesday, December 17th. This collection of nearly 200 small photos have been a popular destination for Ebling patrons and visitors. A recent visitor wrote in the Guest Book…”What a wonderful thing to “bump” into…The photos are each amazing and collectively you certainly reach your goal. So glad I “bumped” into this exhibition on my way to finish a mindless task.”

And as Silas’s dad, Brian Ritchie said, “It’s great to see it all in one space, it exceeds expectations, doesn’t it?” Indeed, it does.

We hear similar responses, especially from students who suggest that while stretching their legs, or taking a study break, they notice a photo they hadn’t noticed before, or look at a section of paintings for the first time. The goal for artists, Silas Ritchie and Dale Kaminski, was to take a photo every day during Silas’s wait on the UW Transplant list.

The photos, individually, and as a whole suggest the moments of grace and promise in people’s lives- the moment when we remain grateful and hopeful that our physical selves will be whole, so that we can carry on with our spiritual, emotional and every day selves. I will miss the company of those moments when the exhibition goes home.

Silas was recently interviewed by Fox News. Listen here.

Silas and his dad, Brian, in front of Silas’s artifacts, which are part of the exhibit.

One of the gallery walls for “Bump on a Line.” (Silas and Brian visiting)

Facebook posts that chronicle Silas’s double lung transplant. Also part of the exhibit.