WORKSHOP: Current Awareness Tools

Need ideas to stay on top of your professional discipline, research interests, etc.? Does what little time you have seem to be spent learning new tools only to never use them? Then attend our Current Awareness Tools makeover! We can offer suggestions and consult with you on how to maximize your efficiency with the limited time you have. Good old fashioned RSS feeds and readers such as Feedly as well as BrowZine, the new journal browsing program for mobiles or desktops, will be covered.

Date:  Wednesday, December 14
Time:  12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
Location:  Ebling Library, Rm. 3268   map
You must enter the library on 2nd floor and then take the stairs or the elevator to access room 3268. Ask for directions at the Service Desk.

Questions about this event?
Contact Allan Barclay for more information at allan.barclay at or 262-3957