Successful UW Science Expeditions

Thank you and congratulations to all who came or volunteered for the UW Science Exhibitions 2018. As one of the former organizers of this research/science rich event, I can tell you that the energy and engagement was stellar. The comments were endlessly affirming, the experiment “stations” were lively, and the volunteers at the Stations were bashful (not!). We calculate that about 700 kids and their grownups came through the Health Sciences Learning Center, the School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy on Sunday the 9th; proving once again that science in all its forms and applications is a force to be reckoned with.

In addition to Exploration Stations on swallowing, hand hygiene, DNA research, glass blowing, anesthesiology, capillary action and memory, Ebling Library had its own student staff ready to answer questions about health information databases. So many children lined up to make the Velcro skeleton that we had to refill the jellybean bowl countless times, and it gave us an opportunity to talk about the library’s resources with their parents. An engaging time was had by all!

Ebling’s Ann Schaenzer and Nick Trautner

Ebling’s Station, and on the bottom left, Vic from a School of Pharmacy Station

Two volunteers from the WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) Station