Last year, Dr. Christopher Baggott, a neurosurgeon at UW Hospital’s Department of Neurological Surgery discovered Ebling’s Rare Books & Special Collections when working with another neurosurgeon, Amgad Hanna, on early neurological sketches in Vesalius and Bidloo, anatomists from the 16th and 17th centuries.
Last week, Dr Baggott brought the majority of the Department to Ebling’s Historical Reading Room for a pop-up (what all the cool kids call them) exhibit of some of our printed treasures. Their guest was, especially for this historical librarian, a rock star in the anatomical publishing field; Dr. Shane Tubbs, the current editor of the next editions of Gray’s Anatomy (the book, not the TV show) and the upcoming Netter, both classic volumes used by health sciences students worldwide. A wee bit on UW’s Department of Neurological Surgery and on Dr. Tubbs.
The participants asked lots of questions about the books, Ebling’s collections, the printing process that created the books and how accurate the illustrations were in terms of clinical instruction. The books were arranged chronologically from the mid 1500s to the first edition of Gray’s in 1858. Lots and lots of smartphone photos were taken, because what better way to honor a 1543 Vesalius than to upload it onto your Instagram account! Questions? Contact Historical Librarian, Micaela Sullivan-Fowler
Members of the UW Department of Neurological Surgery with guests, Shane Tubbs, PHD (bow tie) and John Kimbugwe, M.D. from CURE Children’s Hospital in Uganda, (farthest right) visiting some treasures from Ebling’s Rare Books & Special Collections. They spent a magical hour with Vesalius, Bidloo, Swan, D’Agoty, Braune and Gray (amazing anatomists, 1543-1858).