
October 3, 2018

Advanced PubMed Searching

PubMed has many tools that most researchers seldom use. Learn about some of these hidden features that can help you search more efficiently, such as the MeSH database, topic-specific search filters, the Journals database, and saving searches in My NCBI.

Class Materials:

date:  October 3, 2018
time:  12:00PM
location:  Ebling Library, Room 3330

Contact Lia Vellardita for more information at lia.vellardita at or (608) 263-9089 or contact Ebling Workshops at mary.hitchcock at

October 10, 2018


This session will review the CINAHL database and focus on effective search techniques, understanding/using CINAHL Headings, using limits, creating alerts, saving citations into RefWorks and EndNote, accessing full text, and creating alerts or saved searches with a personalized folder.

Class Materials:

date:  October 10, 2018
time:  12:00PM
location:  Ebling Library, Room 3330

Contact Michael Venner for more information at mary.hitchcock at or (608) 263-9332 or contact Ebling Workshops at mary.hitchcock at

October 16, 2018

Citation Manager: Zotero

Zotero collects all your research in a single, searchable interface. You can add PDFs, images, audio and video files, snapshots of web pages, and really anything else.  It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself.   

date:  October 16, 2018
time:  12:00PM
location:  Ebling Library, Room 3330

Contact Stephen Johnson for more information at stephen.johnson at or (608) 262-8255 or contact Ebling Workshops at mary.hitchcock at

October 24, 2018

Citation Manager: EndNote X9/Desktop

EndNote, a citation management database, is designed to help you import (from journal databases, etc.) collect, organize, and save bibliographic citations/references, and to insert citations directly into research papers using any one of hundreds of style formats. We will demo some of EndNote Web’s features too.

date:  October 24, 2018
time:  12:00PM
location:  Ebling Library, Room 3330

Contact Michael Venner for more information at michael.venner at or (608) 263-9047 or contact Ebling Workshops at mary.hitchcock at

October 31, 2018

Current Awareness Tools — Staying On Top of Your Field

Need ideas to stay on top of your professional discipline, research interests, etc.? Does what little time you have seem to be spent learning new tools only to never use them? Then attend our Current Awareness Tools makeover! We can offer suggestions and consult with you on how to maximize your efficiency with the limited time you have. Good old fashioned RSS feeds and readers such as Feedly as well as BrowZine, the new journal browsing program for mobiles or desktops, will be covered.

date:  October 31, 2018
time:  12:00PM
location:  Ebling Library, Room 3330

Contact Allan Barclay for more information at allan.barclay at or (608) 262-3957 or contact Ebling Workshops at mary.hitchcock at

November 7, 2018

Citation Manager: EndNote X9/Desktop

EndNote, a citation management database, is designed to help you import (from journal databases, etc.) collect, organize, and save bibliographic citations/references, and to insert citations directly into research papers using any one of hundreds of style formats. We will demo some of EndNote Web’s features too.

date:  November 7, 2018
time:  12:00PM
location:  Ebling Library, Room 3330

Contact Michael Venner for more information at michael.venner at or (608) 263-9047 or contact Ebling Workshops at mary.hitchcock at