Health Services Journals


Health Affairs
“Health Affairs explores health policy issues of current concern in domestic and international spheres. Its mission is to serve as a high-level, nonpartisan forum to promote analysis and discussion on improving health and health care, and to address such issues as cost, quality, and access.” –Description from Health Affairs. This link takes you to a filtered search for materials relating to health equity.

Health Equity
“The leading peer-reviewed open access journal that meets the urgent need for authoritative information about health disparities and health equity among vulnerable populations.” –Description from Health Equity.

International Journal for Equity in Health
“International Journal for Equity in Health focuses on disseminating influential research which examines the political, policy-related, economic, social, and health systems- and services-related influences, particularly with regard to identifying and understanding the systematic differences in distributions of one or more aspects of health in population groups defined demographically, geographically, or socially.” –Description from the International Journal for Equity in Health.

Reports, Special Issues, and Collections

The Lancet: Advancing Racial Equality
“In this resource centre, we have highlighted selected content, published across the Lancet journals since May 2020, organised by content type on issues related to racial equality. This page will evolve as our work on advancing racial equality progresses.” –Description from The Lancet.

NEJM: Race and Medicine Collection
“The Race and Medicine collection reflects the New England Journal of Medicine’s commitment to understanding and combating racism as a public health and human rights crisis. Our commitment to antiracism includes efforts to educate the medical community about systemic racism, to support physicians and aspiring physicians who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color, and ultimately to improve the care and lives of patients who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color.” –Description from the NEJM.

Pediatrics’ Pediatric Collections Racism and Its Effect on Pediatric Health
“The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the harm racism causes to infants, children, adolescents, and their families.1 To help further the understanding of the harm of racism and disparities associated with racism in health care delivery, and to identify opportunities to improve health outcomes by addressing racism, the editorial board of Pediatrics has compiled a collection of articles published over the last 10 years that focus on these critical issues.” –Description from Pediatrics.

Wisconsin Medical Journal: The Impact of Race and Racism on Health
“This March 2021 special issue of the WMJ focusing on how the health of the people in Wisconsin is affected by race and racism was born as a response to the high-profile racial incidents and subsequent protests in the spring and summer of 2020. The editorial staff, with the support of the WMJ Publishing Board and its member institutions, chose to highlight stark racial health disparities among populations in Wisconsin and provide a forum for scholars in Wisconsin to share their work. The issue features original research, editorial content and artwork from more than 60 Wisconsin health professionals, researchers, learners, artists and community members” –Description from the Wisconsin Medical Journal.