Art Studio

Emma Liverseed
School of Medicine and Public Health


After a long night

(or morning?)

of studying, you imagine

wedging a bookmark

into your gray matter—

a bookmark, because

who would want

a dog-eared brain?

You can never remember

where you leave off.

The brain does not catalogue

like a filing cabinet,

but if it did,

what would you lock

in the cortex’s folds?

Memories for safe keeping,

or ones to forget?

Some recollections

always stay

out of sight,

whether or not

you want them to,

and the cabinets collect

shrouds of dust—

unlike poetry, memories

never read from left

to right. Your brain

is a studio,

not an office, your mind

a beautiful, furious network

of paint splatters,

overlapped and intertwined.