
Nasser Lubega, MS III School of Medicine and Public Health 2021 Poem   (Epigraph: Over the summer, a violent act was performed on a person I love, and I never got to say goodbye. One was a father, and the other his son.) When the evening drew near, I pulled you in with a choreographed…


Daniel McNeela School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics 2014 Poem   Existence is meant to burn in structured candescence, the lighting of a candle, hot melting of wax. This extolled by man who thought, in all his vainglory, to make structured time by casting it in the accruable tick—…

The Siren

Ariel Niforatos School of Medicine and Public Health 2021 Short story   She walks in endless fields of sorrow in a world she cannot name and through streets that end without destinations. She dances through lonely alleys and backstreets with only the wind pushing her forward and blowing through her hair with an illusion of…

An Ode to Francis Collins

Chris Unterberger School of Pharmacy 2021 Poem   Longtime NIH director, Francis Collins, announced his resignation of the post last week. For the past twelve years, Dr. Collins has served as the head of the most important health institution in the nation while guiding the country’s scientific research under three presidents. Before becoming director of…