Six Questions for Zachary Goldberger

Zachary Goldberger (he/him) wears many hats as Associate Professor, Associate Chief (Education), and Program Director, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship in SMPH’s Department of Medicine Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. Several of his musical compositions—Solo Piano, Untitled (Spring 2021), Solo Piano, Untitled #2 (Fall 2021), Solo Piano, Untitled #3 (Spring 2022), Solo Piano, Untitled #4 (Fall 2022), Wedding Day…

Split by loss

Audra Koscik School of Medicine and Public Health 2023 Poem Loss A ghost of me follows; she’s timestamped with a date from before. She’s unreachable, unchangeable. I’ll be whole again, but she’ll always be there in the past. Two different people, split by loss.

Late Spring Snow Storm

Sharon M. Van Sluijs School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatrics 2019 Poem   Because you insist on loving so desperately this always transient beauty— tulip masses breaking into glorious petaled cups, great phalanxes of daffodils waving sunny saffron heads and frilled trumpet throats (as in those famous lines, two hundred years ago),…

Immigrant Staircase

Rebecca Nye, MPH School of Medicine and Public Health 2023 Poem   Icy cool in sticky June, the russet ceramic tiles sealed with crumbling caulk welcomed the meeting of a chestnut burnished banister accompanied by brushed-iron balusters knotted like the trunks of maples. Dimpled hands trembled with might up each step, fingers clutching textured cigarette-perfumed…