Pajama time/Pandemic time

Liana Eskola, DO School of Medicine and Public Health 2021 Poem   Rita Charon, the godmother of narrative medicine, knows words and patients.   She knows doctors too–what we give, what we lose, what we need. How we cry. How we hush our own beating hearts.   She knows about pajama time, and all the…


Nasia Safdar, MD, PhD School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Medicine 2020 Poem   There is in each of us, a yearning For respect Earn it you say? To the mother To the homemaker To the invisible overtime worker A throw-away remark Or perhaps a carefully thought out remark Shreds Right down to…


Toby Campbell, MD, MSCI School of Medicine and Public Health 2020 Poem   Living, like I am, Where nothing is simple and nothing is normal. Dying, like I am, In slow motion. Here, in death’s shadow, every minute matters. The mundane and the vital feel too much the same: A bath and a podcast and a…

My Land

Ryan McAdams, MD School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology 2020 Poem   they say doctors make the worst patients. do patients make the best doctors? horizontal in a head cage, slid in the ceramic catacomb, the MRI magnet preps a warning blast of phaser fire-- five seconds of silence.…


Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatrics 2020 Poem   I think often of Hephaestus Artisan of the Gods As spoken of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and beyond. I think often of the Olympians Looking down at him Bent over his Forge. I wonder if they told him…