The Reason We Are Here

Claudia Vilela Casaretto
School of Medicine and Public Health


I woke up after a surgery

And my mother was crying

I clutched the stuffed dalmatian the nurse handed to me

The same one I held on the plane ride from Lima


Todo estará bien

She would tell me

Todo estará bien? like she had asked my doctor


A man spoke through the phone

He’d capture my mother’s words

But never her tone


I remember the doctor’s expression well

Because it hardly changed

Nothing compared to the animation in my mother’s face


I am her orgullo

She would always say

Her biggest source of pride


Eres la razon por qué estamos aqui

I’ve tried to live up to her words

And give meaning to everything she had to give up


I’d be like our family doctor

The first stranger my mother learned to trust

El salvo tu vida

She was convinced he was the one who saved my life


But years later her head started to hurt,

as I learned about the human brain


Her vision was blurry

An ambulance was too expensive

And she won’t be able to drive


As a student studying medicine,

I thought about my differential

The one for an immigrant mother who lost her health insurance


Blood pressure was in the 200s

The voice of my professor when he talks about prevention

Drowned out my mother’s as she explained what she thinks the doctor said

No lo entiendo

I also couldn’t understand


Why can’t I do more for my mother?

And for the mother who I met at the free clinic

The one who asked me if I was going to tell anyone

That her family was undocumented


I remember the sentence I wrote in my personal statement,

“I’d be like our family doctor”

Sounds hollow now