All posts by Lia Vellardita
After O’Keefe
Study for Iron Gate
Study for Iron Gate David Henry School of Medicine and Public Health 2021 Audio work based on a sample recording of an iron gate, 3:41
Solo Piano, Untitled
Solo Piano, Untitled Zachary D. Goldberger, MD School of Medicine and Public Health, Cardiovascular Medicine 2020 Musical Composition, 2:35
Hourglass Dann Hekman School of Medicine and Public Health, Population Health Sciences 2019 Musical Composition, 3:33
Editor’s Note, Spring 2021
Dear Reader, Thank you for joining us here for Corpus Callosum’s third issue. We publish this issue in the tender spring of a new year as Covid-19 vaccinations increase around the country and world, ushering in a sense of hope fitting with the season of growth and renewal. And yet, the feeling is tempered as…
A world on fire
Ariel Niforatos School of Medicine and Public Health 2020 Poem Sometimes I hear the sky speak in low cadences and agitated whispers continuous musings of a world much older than we are It tells me of the Beginning when the first bud of life took in its first breath And it tells me of…
Nasia Safdar, MD, PhD School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Medicine 2020 Poem There is in each of us, a yearning For respect Earn it you say? To the mother To the homemaker To the invisible overtime worker A throw-away remark Or perhaps a carefully thought out remark Shreds Right down to…
Toby Campbell, MD, MSCI School of Medicine and Public Health 2020 Poem Living, like I am, Where nothing is simple and nothing is normal. Dying, like I am, In slow motion. Here, in death’s shadow, every minute matters. The mundane and the vital feel too much the same: A bath and a podcast and a…
My Land
Ryan McAdams, MD School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology 2020 Poem they say doctors make the worst patients. do patients make the best doctors? horizontal in a head cage, slid in the ceramic catacomb, the MRI magnet preps a warning blast of phaser fire-- five seconds of silence.…