Dear Reader,
Thank you for joining us here for Corpus Callosum’s third issue. We publish this issue in the tender spring of a new year as Covid-19 vaccinations increase around the country and world, ushering in a sense of hope fitting with the season of growth and renewal.
And yet, the feeling is tempered as our nation continues to face a reckoning with racism against a backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic for which we do not yet know when we will turn the tide, despite vaccinations. Hope and joy mingle with uncertainty and anguish, a tension I see in this issue’s offerings. Among these 32 entries you’ll hear more audio tracks than in previous editions, enjoy a mix of both 2D and 3D pieces of visual art, many with a keen eye observing the natural world (perhaps a reflection of how many of us have spent our time during this pandemic), and explore pieces of writing ranging from the lighthearted to the deeply serious.
My hope is for you to enjoy and connect with the art found here.
Be safe and be well.
Lia Vellardita
Managing Editor