All posts by Lia Vellardita
Fuzzy Memories of Mother’s Garden
The Elements
Elegant Purple Horse
Blossom in black and white
Wedding Day
Wedding Day Zachary D. Goldberger, MD School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine 2008 Song, 3:07
Six Questions for Sharon M. Van Sluijs
Sharon M. Van Sluijs is a writer/science writer for SMPH’s Department of Pediatrics, and has had three of her poems published in Corpus Callosum: Yes is an Apple (Spring 2022), On the Death of the Cook (Fall 2022), and Late Spring Snow Storm (Spring 2023). Editor’s note: the terms art and artists are used as…
Six Questions for Zachary Goldberger
Zachary Goldberger (he/him) wears many hats as Associate Professor, Associate Chief (Education), and Program Director, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship in SMPH’s Department of Medicine Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. Several of his musical compositions—Solo Piano, Untitled (Spring 2021), Solo Piano, Untitled #2 (Fall 2021), Solo Piano, Untitled #3 (Spring 2022), Solo Piano, Untitled #4 (Fall 2022), Wedding Day…
Editor’s Note, Fall 2023
Dear Reader, As the temperatures drop and this corner of the world turns its thoughts to the end of the semester, we present to you the Fall 2023 issue of Corpus Callosum. In it, you will find a bounty of creativity to explore from artists familiar and new, as well as more interviews from current…