Searching the Literature


Tips for choosing databases when searching the literature, strategies for searching for articles within databases, as well as strategies for saving and organizing your search strategies so they can be easily replicated. Main menu | Comments/Suggestions

Finding current literature and data sources

Searching databases for literature

Library Research Tutorials: Database searching, finding articles and refining your searches

Using Public Records and Archival Data

Meet with your librarian, Mary Hitchcock:

Search strategies and using databases

Searching and critiquing the research literature (pdf)

Quick Tips & Shortcuts for Database Searching

EBSCOhost Tutorials – For CIHAHL, PsychINFO and MEDLINE

PubMed Tutorials

Web of Science Training Portal

Organizing your searches, saving searches, and setting automatic searches and alerts

MyNCBI through PubMed

Using Folders in EBSCOhost

Web of Science

How to get articles or other materials that the UW Libraries does not own

Requesting materials through the UW-Madison Libraries