Please register and join Ebling librarian Paije Wilson to learn more about EndNote 21. The Introduction to EndNote 21 (Windows) online workshop is on October 25th from 10am to 11am!
EndNote 21 (also known as EndNote Desktop) is a subscription-based citation manager that allows you to save, organize, and format citations for your research. This online workshop will introduce some key EndNote 21 functions such as: creating a new library; customizing EndNote 21 for UW Madison; importing citations; organizing, managing, and sharing citations; creating a bibliography; and using the Microsoft Word plug-in while writing papers.
Click here for additional information or to register for the event.
For questions, contact Paije Wilson at
Note that UW Madison does not have an institutional license to EndNote 21. EndNote 21 can be purchased with an educator or student discount via the EndNote website ( You can also check with your department to see if they may have a department license to EndNote 21.