Strategic Initiatives

Invest in user experiences and spaces that inspire the creation, discovery and sharing of knowledge

  1. Enhance user opportunities for the library space
  2. Reconfigure library physical space as part of the transformation of the Ebling Library
  3. Evaluate and revive the library virtual presence to engage users

Build on expertise, services and tools that support clinical practice and integrate the library into the life cycle of research, teaching and learning

  1. Measure and evaluate the value of established library services
  2. Expand the reach of library clinical and basic science services into Schools, departments and clinical units
  3. Build collaborative services with IT units and Schools to better support medical, pharmacy, nursing and veterinary medicine education
  4. Identify opportunities to increase library representation on SMPH, SoN, SoP, SVM, UWHC and campus committees
  5. Develop a library service focused on analytics for school and department administration and planning
  6. Lead campus in promoting and providing public access policy services and open publishing opportunities.
  7. Build proactive strategies for assisting researchers in data curation, preservation, management and long-term access

Evaluate and invigorate the library virtual presence to engage users

  1. Build on the current collections budget to meet the expanding information resource needs of users
  2. Review usage of library resources and link to changes in collection development and budget allocations to reflect the library’s shift to electronic resources
  3. Improve access to online purchased resources and identified publicly accessible collections
  4. Build a strategy to further highlight and develop the rare and special collections

Cultivate our commitment to library development, collaborative partnerships and the Wisconsin Idea

  1. Review and redirect outreach and resource library responsibilities as part of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine
  2. Explore an expanded provision of information resources to the state
  3. Enhance marketing and communication strategies to promote library services and resources
  4. Maintain an effective organizational structure that emphasizes open communication and continuous quality improvement
  5. Implement an improved system of evaluation and assessment to identify gaps in skills and knowledge of the library staff and develop and invest in training & instruction opportunities