Not just a requited career, a calling…Happy Retirement to Micaela Sullivan-Fowler
Reference and Research
Upcoming Change to Your UW Library Borrowing Account
Borrowed books over the years from UW-Libraries? This post is for you!
Thanks to Drs Klein and Professor Mares…sharing Epidemiology, Ophthalmology, and Nutrition Books
Interested in ophthalmological epidemiology, statistics, nutrition and ocular health? We have some books for you.
Adding a Librarian to Ebling’s already awesome mix!
Public health, people! Expertise in public health and population health!
Read all about it (us)! The Ebling Post is hot off the (electronic) press!
We’ve been busy with databases, collections, instruction, outreach, staff changes, publications, AI Guides…read all about it…
Ebling’s Survey Needs You!
You can tell us, through May 3rd, all the ways you love Ebling (or have suggestions for improvement).
Free Workshop! Data Extraction in Covidence
Learn how Covidence can help manage data extraction for your systematic reviews!
Discover EndNote! Two Workshop Opportunities to help you Manage Your Citations
Join Paije Wilson for Introductory Workshops!
UW Science Expeditions 2024: Participate in All Things Science!
Whether you’d like to hold a brain or learn about food plants in space, get yourself to the UW Science Expeditions at the HSLC!
Travel Safely and Happiest of Holidays
Ebling Staff wishes you well!