Ebling Library News

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: A Resource Guide

DEI resources for those seeking groups, articles, books, videos and blog posts with illuminating information on racism, anti-racism, white supremacy, marginalization and inclusion of people of color, etc….a “living” document to share and augment. There is often a health sciences emphasis but the resources are universal in their discussion points.

Paije Wilson Interview

Continuation of Paije’s interview from Ebling Post…10-14-2020 You started in July and moved from Michigan to Madison, during  COVID-19. In fact, your interview process happened (virtually) during COVID-19. Tell me how (COVID-19)  has informed your …

Katie Davis interview

Continuation of Katie’s interview from Ebling Post…10-14-2020 I asked Katie how it felt to move to Madison, start graduate school, and work at Ebling, during a Pandemic. What is it like being a student in …