Systematic Review Essentials: PRISMA and Covidence

Instructor: Leslie Christensen

This event has passed.

Ebling Library Room 3330
@ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Register for In-person

This workshop will introduce two essential tools: Covidence to manage team-based evidence synthesis projects, like systematic reviews, and PRISMA to accurately report your systematic or scoping review. Participants will learn:

  1. How to start a review in Covidence.
  2. Key features to maximize team efficiency.
  3. How to create and edit a PRISMA flow diagram.
  4. How to use the PRISMA checklist to ensure a high quality, accurately reported review.

This workshop will have hand-on exercises, so please bring your laptop if attending the in-person session.

If you require any accessibility accommodations to attend or participate in this event, please let us know by emailing with the subject “Systematic Review Essentials: PRISMA and Covidence Accommodations.” Requests for sign-language interpreters, real-time captioning, Braille or electronic documents should be made at least two weeks before the event. We will attempt to fulfill requests made after this date but cannot guarantee they will be met.