New historical resource, “WMJ Physician Obituary Database”

The Ebling Library has completed an indexing project called the “WMJ Physician Obituary Database.” The database is an index of obituaries printed in the State Medical Board of Wisconsin’s official publication, the Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) from 1903 until 2008. The database does not contain full obituaries. We hope this database is helpful for WI residents who are researching family members who may have practiced medicine in the state during the past century.

If you would like a copy of an obituary listed, please contact your inter-library loan department at your local public library or college/university, or patrons are welcome to view the journal in person at Ebling Library. Ebling is open to the general public, please check our website or call concerning parking. The call number for WMJ is Q 7W73. (Please see Historical Services staff for volumes 1-32.)

For more information, please visit the “WMJ Physician Obituary Database” at