Connecting with David Finch

The spring semester’s Authors@HSLC series started off with a bang. Author David Finch, a funny, introspective writer, informed and entertained a full house with his telling of how his book, The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to Be a Better Husband, came to be. His life up to the point of learning that he had Apserger’s (not until he’d been married for 3 years), his dynamic relationship with his wife, Kristen, how he copes in a world that expects “normative social interactions, and how he mended his relationship with Kristen, might well be his story- but his tale resonated with anyone in the audience who has loved, wants to be loved, or cares about their loved ones. David told the audience that his book has especially resonated with readers who have Asperger’s (a syndrome with a very broad range of social aptitudes) and with the parents, friends and loved ones of those who are close to someone with Asperger’s. For anyone who missed this auspicious writer, see the IME video

Audience members also wondered where information could be found about local Asperger’s support groups.

Finally, the Ebling Library has copies for check out and HSLC’s UBS bookstore has copies for sale. Enjoy, it’s a compelling read…

Next up: J. Timothy Harrington and Great Health Care. March 8th. Auditiorium 1325, 12:00-1:00.

Photo: David signed books afterwards. Photo by Micaela Sullivan-Fowler