Looking for a great, free, drop-in workshop on article management?
Try Mendeley – A Personal Library Tool for Articles. Looking for a way to manage collections of articles? Unsure where to start or just overwhelmed by the options? Join us for a look at a powerful tool that can help you create and organize your own personal library of articles – Mendeley. Mendeley helps you efficiently organize and work with your articles, do basic citation management and see what your colleagues are reading on the Mendeley web site.
date: Wednesday, November 14th and Friday, November 16, 2012
time: 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
location: Ebling Library, Rm. 3268
Questions? Contact Rhonda Sager for more information at rsager at library.wisc.edu or 262-2372 or contact our Drop-In Team at eblingdropins at library.wisc.edu
Photo of September’s full moon by Micaela Sullivan-Fowler