Last month UWSMPH Class of 2015 medical students, including Sumit Kar, Sasha Mahvi, and Ann Tran produced a music video to celebrate the Class of 2013’s Match Day. They submitted the music video, “Started From the Bottom” to the University of South Carolina’s Memmy’s competetion. Watch the video and “like” it…
Judging and Prizes
Four of the top five videos will be selected by media specialists and senior medical students at the University of South Carolina based on originality, production value, content and talent.
The fifth top video will be selected based on popular voting on YouTube, with the greatest number of “likes.” All schools are expected to follow the high ethical standards of our profession in this competition and limit votes to one per person.
The winners will receive a monetary award given to their school’s health sciences library. (That’s Ebling, so vote!)
1st place: $2,500
2nd place: $1,500
3rd place: $1,000