Drop-In Workshops

We know, the screensaver indicates that it is summer time. It will be someday! In the meantime, plan on getting up to speed or fine tuning your PubMed skills. Lia will greatly increase your comfort level with this essential database. Come join us, no reservations required.

PubMed Basics

PubMed (MEDLINE) is the world’s largest biomedical literature database. In this introductory hands-on class you will learn how to effectively utilize some of PubMed’s many features and tools, such as Limits, History, the new PubMed Search Builder, and an introduction to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014
time: 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
location: Ebling Library, Rm. 3268


Advanced PubMed Searching

PubMed has many tools that most researchers seldom use. Learn about some of these hidden features that can help you search more efficiently, such as the MeSH database, topic-specific search filters, the Journals database, and saving searches in My NCBI. We recommend that attendees come to our My NCBI session before attending this workshop.

date: Wednesday, March 05, 2014
time: 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
location: Ebling Library, Rm. 3268

Questions? Contact Lia Vellardita for more information at lvellardita at wisc.edu or 263-9089 or contact our Drop-In Team at eblingdropins at library.wisc.edu
