Unlocking Imagination: Simulcast with Surgeon, Carla Pugh

TEDMED 2014 starts on Wednesday, September 10 and runs through Friday. Dr. Carla Pugh, UW-Madison, is one of the speakers at a session on Thursday, September 11 starting at 3:30 p.m. and we hope that you will join us as we watch this simulcast together in HSLC, room 1335!

Carla Pugh, M.D., Surgeon and Director of the Health Clinical Simulation Program at the University of Wisconsin, will share surprising information about a kind of skill and intelligence that can now be measured and taught for the first time.

In the session, Play is Not a Waste of Time, Dr. Pugh talks about how she hopes doctors can fine-tune their haptic skills (non-verbal/touch communication) as a standardized part of their clinical education and daily practice. She will be joined in the session by: Jill Vialet, Cole Galloway, Kayt Sukel,Gerardo Contino, Howard Rose, and Rupa & the April Fishes.

This may prove to be a revolutionary series of presentations that we hope will have you thinking about the unique yet complementary ideas and perspectives that may influence our health system and ourselves. Please join us, and check here for a link to the simulcast, once the session is complete.


Unable to join us in person for the live TEDMED talk? All TEDMED sessions are available via individual laptops and tablets in real-time or On-Demand from September 10-16. Visit TEDMEDLive.org and use Affiliate ID L96071 to watch TEDMEDLive from your computer. We have also created the University of Wisconsin-Madison its own unique invitation code, TMLicUWM14, which allow members of your community to register to expediently register for individual access to TEDMED Live.