On Thursday, November 6th from 4:00-6:00, please join staff, faculty and employees of the Health Sciences family- for the opening reception of “Off the Clock,” a celebration of artwork fashioned during our time away from daily duties.
Pathologists, veterinary medicine lab personnel, surgeons, library staff, psychiatrists, administrative staff, food service workers and the like have submitted paintings, photographs, bead work, quilts, pastels, watercolors, lace and all other manner of creative pursuits to this inspiring show. Some of the pieces will be for sale, many of the proceeds going to charity. Light refreshment will be served.
“Off the Clock” runs in the Ebling’s 3rd floor galleries at 750 Highland Ave. through Sunday, January 11th, 2015. Contact Micaela Sullivan-Fowler, msullivan@library.wisc.edu with questions.
Poster graphics by Ebling’s A. Lambert
And, for example, bead work, “Lungs” by molecular biologist, Victoria Thompson