To all those that use Ebling for quiet, solace, relaxation or group study space; first let us apologize for what will be a dynamic summer in this traditionally accommodating building. Interior signs have been promising reconstruction, construction and changes for some time. Today, June 28th, the dismantling of the journal shelves on the 3rd floor began. It is noisy, both in the take down, and in the removal from our site. Once the shelving is removed, construction will begin. As you will read below, many areas will be off limits or severely limited for use. Staff at the Service Desk (2nd) floor can steer you to printers, computers, and available space. Please let us know if we can help during this transitional time at Ebling.
Entire 3rd floor south bar to be closed from July 1 – August 11
No access to group study rooms
1) No access to the bar overlooking the atrium with InfoCommon computers
2) No copy center on 2nd floor
3) 2nd floor Med School printer to be relocated by the Rubinstein Herman files (by 3rd floor freight elevator)
4) 2nd floor B&W Go Print release station to be relocated by the Rubinstein Herman files (by 3rd floor freight elevator)
5) 2nd floor color Go Print release station to be relocated to the 3rd floor copy center
6) 2nd floor copier and scanner to be stored with only access to copying and scanning in the 3rd floor copy center
7) Noise to be expected in the entire building July 1 – August 11
8) Electricity, HVAC and water to have expected down periods
The Historical Reading Room, the glassed area on the 3rd floor with the display cases, may offer some quiet space. Consider finding a temporary new place to study on the west campus during this time period.
After August 14 we can expect a quieter time with group study rooms to be restored, etc.
For an overview of the entire project, visit here.