We began to transform the journal stacks landscape in Ebling during the fall of 2015, removing or relocating 100,000 journals from the 3rd floor “bar” area. In 2017 renovation and construction began, and on April 4th, 2018, we had our first formal glimpses of the new space. The majority of the area on the left hand side became the Interactive Learning Center, which will accommodate hundreds of students and other participants in a variety of online or team learning opportunities.
Outside the learning area is an area for single or group study and a pantry for students to use for their formal or informal dining needs. On the right side of the “bar” is the Wichman Clinical Teaching & Assessment Center, a series of clinic rooms for working with standardized patients. The excitement is palpable, new space, new neighbors, new opportunities for students to be at the top of their academic experience. As the renovation, architect and construction crews put on the finishing touches, we take this opportunity to say thank you. What a journey!
Before: Journal stacks on the east side of Ebling Library
After: Looking east at the new Interactive Learning Center Area
After: Looking west at the new Wichman Clinical Teaching & Assessment Center