Ebling Library Policies

A Welcoming Environment

Ebling Library aims to provide a welcoming environment through a strong sense of community and deep commitment to education. The following policies serve to promote an atmosphere of inclusion and safety to all library users.

Ebling Library Policies

Patrons and staff in Ebling Library will observe the UW-Madison Libraries Code of Conduct as well as the Ebling Library Policies which are posted throughout the Ebling Library, available as a handout from the Service Desk and accessible at:

UW-Madison Libraries Code of Conduct: https://www.library.wisc.edu/policies/code-of-conduct/

Ebling Library Policies: http://ebling.library.wisc.edu/about-us/ebling-library-policies/

Every staff member and patron should expect an environment of respect and safety while in the library.  If patrons do not feel respected or safe, talk to a library staff member. If staff do not feel respected or safe, talk to your supervisor or report the incident to the UWPD.

Examples of inappropriate and unacceptable behavior include threatening or intimidating behavior such as abusive language or threats of violence as well as unwanted and/or unwarranted communication or harassment.

Sound Levels

Throughout the library sound levels will be monitored closely.  Unless you are in a group study room, conference room or staff office with a door, sound levels are expected to be contained and quiet.  The atrium or other areas in the HSLC are the place for louder group discussions and/or cell phone calls. If staff notice or patrons complain about sound levels from a person(s), staff will ask the person/group in question to either lower the sound of their conversation and/or move to another area.

If you need a place to converse freely on the phone or in a group and/or listen to an audio file, please ask at the Service Desk and staff will do their best to accommodate you and/or your group.

If you are listening to an audio file (with or without headphones), talking to yourself, conversing with another person on the phone or in person, and it is reported or observed that it is bothering other patrons, you will be asked to stop the action and/or move to an area that allows such action.

In general, the library’s second floor is a quiet conversation area as is the third floor although silent study areas are strictly observed as signage indicates.
Cell phone rings should be turned off in the library and all are encouraged to take cell phone calls OUTSIDE the library.  Extended cell phone calls are not allowed in the library unless you are in a closed area.

Computer Use

Use of University facilities and information technology is primarily restricted to activities that fulfill the University’s missions of teaching, research and public service.  For more information, please see the Policy for Appropriate Use of UW-Madison Information Technology Resources at https://it.wisc.edu/about/office-of-the-cio/it-policies/.

Priority use for Ebling Library computers is given for those activities regardless of whether the user is affiliated with the University or not.

Users viewing material offensive or disruptive to others will be asked to stop. Viewing of pornography, video gaming, etc. is strictly prohibited.

Food & Drink

Food and beverages are allowed. Clean up after yourself/group and put trash and recyclables in appropriate receptacles.


Sleeping by students beyond the usual short study nap is discouraged in the library for safety and security reasons.

Community users are reminded that the libraries are open for research purposes and sleeping is not allowed.


If a person does not comply with the policies stated above and/or the UW-Madison Libraries Code of Conduct sanctions may include:

  • Being asked to leave the library premises
  • Having library privileges suspended or revoked
  • Being banned from Ebling Library and HSLC
  • Being banned from the UW-Madison Libraries
  • Being reported to the police
  • Legal prosecution

Questions or comments can be directed to the Service Desk or http://ebling.library.wisc.edu/help/.

Policies approved 11/28/2016