We’ll be open 9am – 5pm from 03/24 – 03/28. Enjoy your break!
Ebling Library News
Register for the Publish or Perish Workshop on 4/7!
Deciding where to publish can seem like a daunting task. Librarians are here to help!
It’s OK to ask for help
To our amazing students: if you need help coping with grief, stress, anxiety or anything else negatively impacting your life, there are services available to you.
Need help with a digital project? DesignLab will be back at Ebling after break!
DesignLab offers one-on-one design consultations for UW-Madison students, faculty, and staff.
Join us! Ebling’s Spring workshop series continues through April
We are pleased to offer several workshops this spring semester. There’s something for everyone to learn!
200+ New E-Books Now Available
To start the new year, Ebling Library has just added over 200 e-books from AccessCardiology, AccessPharmacy, AccessSurgery, and JAMAevidence collections through AccessMedicine. Some of these books include the Fuster and Hurst’s The Heart 15e and …
Latest Exhibition
From 18th century anatomical texts to 20th century handwritten student notebooks, be inspired by the treasures in Ebling’s Rare Books & Special Collections.