Updates to the Ebling Library Homepage

We have rolled out some updates to the Ebling Library homepage based on input from both patrons and library staff.  If you’d like to take a look and let us know what you think:


New features include:

  • More prominent, tabbed search area – search PubMed, FindIt, MadCat, Google and more from one place
  • News feeds custom created in a variety of areas – in addition to library news you can check health alerts, UW research news, funding opportunities, general health news and clinical trials
  • Our events listings have been expanded beyond Ebling classes and exhibitions to include a custom UW health and medicine events calendar and links to related calendars for the CSC, HSLC, health sciences schools and campus events
  • We also have a link to our new mobile site in our site’s banner

Please take a look and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear any feedback and suggestions you may have.