Upcoming CINAHL & Zotero Drop-In Workshops

There are a variety of useful drop-in workshops coming up at Ebling Library. Here’s the late February, early March schedule. No reservations necessary. Please join us.


These sessions will review the CINAHL database and focus on effective search techniques, understanding/using CINAHL Headings, using limits, creating alerts, saving citations into RefWorks and EndNote, accessing full text, and creating alerts or saved searches with a personalized folder.

dates: Wednesday February 27th and Friday, March 01, 2013
time: 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
location: Ebling Library, Rm. 3268

Questions? Contact Mary Hitchcock for more information at mhitchcock at library.wisc.edu or 263-9332 or contact our Drop-In Team at eblingdropins at library.wisc.edu

Citation Manager: Zotero

Zotero, a citation manager, collects all your research in a single, searchable interface. You can add references, PDFs, images, audio and video files, snapshots of web pages, and really anything else. It lives right where you do your work – in the web browser itself.

dates: Wednesday, March 6th and Friday, March 08, 2013
time: 12:00 PM – 01:00 PM
location: Ebling Library, Rm. 3268

Questions? Contact Stephen Johnson for more information at sjohnson at library.wisc.edu or 262-8255 or contact our Drop-In Team at eblingdropins at library.wisc.edu

Photo of the popular 80 Bus, the School of Pharmacy, eventual School of Nursing, and the Health Sciences Learning Center (Ebling’s on the 2nd & 3rd floors) by Ebling’s Michael Venner.