For all our constituents who generate data from their grant-based research, or department based initiatives, this Drop-In is for you. Whether you have recorded your findings in a printed notebook, an electronic lab notebook or some other recording format, that information is valuable to you, your future collaborators and your funding sources.
This workshop, Access and Reuse: Managing Your Research Data will help you make initial steps toward managing your data appropriately so that you will be prepared for the aforementioned scenarios, as well as more dire scenarios, like a natural disaster.
Managing your data will be presented in three basic steps: Prepare, Preserve and Discover. 1) Preparing the data involves planning for data management, collecting and saving data in non-proprietary formats, and organizing data files for easy use and recovery. 2) Preserving the data includes selection of data to preserve, versioning, backup and storage, and deposit into multiple storage sites. 3) Discovery of data makes all the work of the first two steps worthwhile. In this step the data is made accessible by all researchers in the group, and is optionally shared with outside collaborators, general or discipline specific repositories for future reuse.
Your instructor, Trish Adamus, was herself a researcher with Bausch & Lomb, and is now a librarian who specializes in keeping track of current approaches to data management and the instructing of those who need that training the most. Please join us:
Date: Friday, April 11
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Location: Ebling Library, Rm. 3268
Enter the library on 2nd floor and then take the stairs or the elevator to access room 3268. Ask for directions at the Service Desk.
Questions about this event?
Contact Trisha Adamus for more information at eblingdropins at or 263-0258