The Luckiest Boy in the World is a tale of perseverance, strength, tenacity and humor. Join us for a personal and collegial favorite…
Library World
A Digital Version of the Current (and historical) New York Times!
For those who like their East coast edition in “real time,” UW-Madison now offers a digital copy, mimicking the print version of this widely cited newspaper.
Summer Help from Ebling Staff
This summer we hope you will take a break and hike, garden, bike, chill, dine al fresco, do the Union & the farmer’s market…but when you must research, practice, instruct and apply for grants…Ebling staff can help.
Best Wishes to Erin Escobar
We can’t believe they are already graduating… Such energy they have brought to Ebling!
Ebling’s Online Art Journal Corpus Callosum’s Spring 2022 Issue is Live!
Photographs, music, words, and visual creations; a wonderfully compelling collection. Therapeutic and thought provoking for one and all.
Meet Robin Gee…
A little something on one of Ebling’s ISchool library assistants.
A Wonderful Spring Opportunity! You too can be a (Data) Carpenter!
The Data Science Hub is meeting in person in May! Come join us!
A Great Opportunity on the History of Reproductive Health, Friday, April 29th
The panel will be examining motherhood, medicine, childhood, reproductive control, reproductive health activism and sex and empire.
UW Science Expeditions 2022- Participate in all things Science!
From inspecting bodily organs to learning about the eye, to hands on investigations, Sunday, April 10th is your day to participate in scientific “research” at the Health Sciences Learning Center.
The Spring Post has Arrived!
There’s a lot of news in the current Ebling Post!