Last Week of Staggering Losses! Brilliant, Riveting, Inclusive!

The film 1917 recently won the Golden Globe for Best Picture. It’s showing throughout Madison in limited release. If you want something less cinematic, but even more informative, come see Staggering Losses: WW1 & the Influenza Pandemic of 1918Ebling’s exhibition that ends on January 31st, 2020.

It’s free, and the curator, Micaela Sullivan-Fowler,, will also personalize your tour if you have questions, or want to look more deeply into the materials. This recent article from the Isthmus’s Pat Dillion explains the background of the exhibition.

As one visitor suggested:  “Why go? Interested in Medicine? Rehabilitation? Anatomy and physiology? African American and Native American history? Epidemiology? The origins of words and phrases? Chemistry? World history? Books? Mental health? Neurology? Advertising? Women in wartime?” It’s not JUST about war and disease, it is a narrative tour de force with the physical and mental health of humanity at its core.

Here are directions and the available hours for the public and faculty, staff and students.

Currently installed in UW-Madison’s Ebling Library’s 3rd floor Historical Reading Room, Room 3302. Ebling Library is in the Health Sciences Learning Center at 750 Highland Ave. From the UW Hospital Parking Ramp (or wherever you bus, walk or bicycle from) come into, head towards the Atrium. See the big staircase, or elevators to the left of the Atrium. Come up the stairs to the 2nd floor, Ebling Library. Or, up the elevator to the 3rd floor of the Ebling Library. If on the 2nd floor of the Library, go up the stairs to the 3rd floor, head over the landing area to the Historical Reading Room, 3302. If you’re on the elevator, turn right, come across the “overpass,” see the glassed in Historical Reading Room, 3302. Inside is the exhibition.

Pay attention to hours, please. Closed to the general public on weekends.
Open: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM – All patrons
Open: Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM – All patrons
Open to UW card holders: Saturday & Sunday: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Wiscard (all campus) access only; no public access.